5 Content Marketing Growth Hacks for Bloggers

Are you delivering the right message to the right person, at the right time with your content marketing strategy? You’re not alone. Most of the content marketers are making the same mistakes over and again. They remain so much preoccupied with sales-focused content marketing that they forget that the content, in addition, has to be engaging and informative. Why would anybody like to read your stuff if all it talks about your business, brand in a sales oriented tone? Your content may be free but one still has to spend time and energy to read it. Annoying your prospective customers with slew sales pitches in the name of informative blog post is not going to work.
Content Marketers, today, need to build customer relationships by means of clever content marketing to drive revenue and long-term sales.
Avoid the following mistakes and stand out with a limitless content marketing strategy.

1 – The content is not merely for you

Actually, it’s not for you at all. It’s for converting readers into clients. For obvious reason, you have to produce the content from their point of view. If it had been only for you, what was the point of writing it in the first place? If you keep writing about same old things about your business and brand, viewers will grow annoyed of you. They will stop visiting the website eventually. If all you were doing writing blogs to promote your product or services, then take a break from the usual and write a couple of informative and entertaining blogs about something interesting, which is not necessarily your business. Do you want look like a corporate Nazi?

2 – Are you always selling?

If so, stop. Of course, the ultimate aim of every content marketing is to sell. I am not denying it. All I want to say is this that once in a while write about stuff not related to your business. If you’re selling stuff on Amazon, don’t always put praises of what you sell. Sometimes you need to get off the beehive and start writing for the masses. I am not saying start writing about wildlife photography even if you’re into e-commerce. Write about local e-commerce in general or selling on eBay, a little out of the box.
If you keep doing what you’re, then you might lose avid readers of your blog who might have turned long-term clients otherwise.

3 – They are readers, not astrologers

Unless your readers have learned this sacred art somewhere in Himalaya, they can’t predict what you are pointing at. You have to understand your audience, who they are, where they are from, and what they care for. IPhone users would be seldom interested in what are the latest apps for Android. A product manager in Seattle would be least concerned about the political scenario in Fiji. Use your common sense, and you’ll know what every set of audience expected out of your content marketing efforts.
If only you learn how to deliver the right content to the right set of audience at the right time via the right channel, half your problem would be solved.

4 – Repurpose, reuse and recycle: the 3 Rs

Finding new topics to write for can be difficult at times even for the most experienced content writers. Nevertheless, at times, don’t hesitate to turn a Press Release or a White paper on your website into an article or a blog. This is save you a lot of time. If have a lot of those on your website, you’ll have enough topics to write for another month.
Moreover, repurposing content can spread influence and revelation, and lead to better SEO outcomes. Put on the 3 Rs to as much of your content as you can, but under no circumstances republish or use the same content in the exact same form in which it was initially shaped.

5 – Diverting from the plan

You invested hours and days to build that concrete plan only to ditch later. Take a note–anybody with faintest of knowledge about content marketing can built an impressive plan. Not many can stick to it. You may have editors, writers and marketers all the way from New York Times, but without a plan or not sticking to a plan will make every effort go in vain.
Expert content writers plan their content strategy six months in advance. If you have day-to-day content plan with minutest of details, nobody can stop you from achieving the goal provided you follow it religiously.
If you plan tasks something for Tuesday, don’t delay it for Wednesday. Or Wednesday will become Thursday, Thursday may become Saturday… and within a few week your plan for the next six months will collapse like cards.
The biggest key to unlock success in content marketing is timely execution. You may have the best tactics in hand, but what if you don’t put them in use when needed.
Biggest content marketing campaigns fail not because of unimpressive content, failure to launch or less audience, but marketers losing patience even before the bigger picture penetrates its root.

Dhavan is a SEO Blogger with an Australia based leading IT company Intesols that offers wide range of digital solutions for businesses across Australia. I have 3+ years of experience in digital marketing. I am passionate about blogging, social media marketing and digital branding. I help small businesses utilize social media and digital branding tools to nurture their growth. Connect with me Dhavan on Twitter and LinkedIn.
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